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Transform your body with EMS-BODYSCULPT

EMS gives a huge boost to your exercise regimen. As a non-invasive body sculpting solution, improved muscle tone has been proven through MRI, CT scan and ultrasound. This FDA cleared device is suitable for men and women of all ages for the strengthening, toning and firming of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arms.


EMS High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to cause deep muscle stimulation.

A single Emsculpt session induces 20,000 muscle contractions. All this is done without any effort on your part. Emsculpt is basically a mini MRI machine that uses therapeutic levels of magnetic fields.


According to studies done on Emsculpt, it creates about 19% muscle development. With the hypercontraction of the muscles, the fatty acids on the muscle cells leak out and create a 15% fat burn on top of the muscle building. The fat burn effect from Emsculpt is more of a residual effect from what the device is doing to the muscles. These studies were conducted with fit patients who were not overweight.


The treatment does not require anesthesia. Strong muscle response is essential to maximize treatment results. During the application, you will feel intense but tolerable muscle contractions in the treated area.

Woman getting ems treatment on buttocks to burn fat, build muscles and remove cellulite. P
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